BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide

Configuring a multihomed machine

A multihomed machine is one that has multiple network addresses. You may accomplish this with multiple network interfaces, each with one or more IP addresses, or with a single network interface that has been assigned multiple IP addresses.

If you have multiple interface cards, each with a single IP address, change the binding order so that the card at the top of the binding order is the one you want the BusinessObjects Enterprise servers to bind to. If your interface card has multiple IP addresses, use the -port command-line option to specify a IP address for the BusinessObjects Enterprise server.

Tip:    This section shows how to restrict all servers to the same network address, but it is possible to bind individual servers to different addresses. For instance, you might want to bind the File Repository Servers to a private address that is not routable from users' machines. Advanced configurations such as this require your DNS configuration to route communications effectively between all the BusinessObjects Enterprise server components. In this example, the DNS must route communications from the other BusinessObjects Enterprise servers to the private address of the File Repository Servers.

Configuring the CMS to bind to a network address

When you use the -port command-line option to configure the CMS to bind to a specific IP address, you must also include the port number these servers use (even if the server is using the default port). Add the following option to both of their command lines:

-port interface:port

If the machine has multiple network interfaces, interface can be the fully qualified domain name or the IP address of the interface that you want the server to bind to. If the machine has a single network interface, interface must be the IP address that you want the server to bind to.


Configuring the remaining servers to bind to a network address

The remaining BusinessObjects Enterprise servers select their ports dynamically by default, so you need only add the following option to their command lines:

-port interface

Replace interface with the same value that you specified for the CMS. Ensure that each server's -ns parameter points to the CMS, and that the DNS resolves the value to the appropriate network address.

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