BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide

Configuring the WCA for SOCKS servers

Complete these steps if one or more SOCKS servers separates the Web Component Adapter (WCA) from the Central Management Server (CMS). These steps provide the WCA with the required information about each SOCKS server, in order, from the outermost to the innermost.

The outermost SOCKS server is the one closest to the web server. The innermost SOCKS server is the last SOCKS server that the WCA communicates with before the CMS.

The procedure for configuring the WCA is different for Windows and Unix. See:

To configure the WCA on UNIX
  1. Run the script to configure the BusinessObjects Enterprise servers and WCA to work with the SOCKS servers.
To configure the WCA on Windows
  1. Add the SOCKS information to the WCA. Edit the web.xml deployment descriptor file associated with the webcompadapter.war to insert a SOCKS URI (universal resource identifier). This URI tells your WCA how to contact the CMS through your SOCKS server(s).
  2. See "Configuring the Web Component Adapter" on page 90 for details on editing web.xml.

  3. Edit the file C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Web.config.
    1. Go to the line: <add key="connection.socksUri" value-"*"/>
    2. Add the following SOCKS server information:
    3. *Socks://Version;User:Password@SOCKSserver:Port/CMSmachine:Port

    4. Save the file.
  4. Configure the BusinessObjects Enterprise server:
    1. Start the CCM.
    2. Stop the CMS.
    3. Double-click the CMS. The Properties dialog box appears.
    4. Click Configuration tab.
    5. Enter the SOCKS information.
    6. Start the server again.
    7. Repeat step 3 for all the BusinessObjects Enterprise server.

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