BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide

Job servers

A Job Server processes scheduled actions on objects at the request of the CMS. When you add a Job Server to the BusinessObjects Enterprise system, you can configure the Job Server to:

If you configure a Job Server to process report objects, it becomes a Report Job Server. If you configure a Job Server to process program objects, it becomes a Program Job Server, and so on. The processing tier includes:

Report Job Server

If you configure a Job Server to process report objects, it becomes a Report Job Server.

The Report Job Server processes scheduled reports, as requested by the CMS, and generates report instances (instances are versions of a report object that contain saved data). To generate a report instance, the Report Job Server obtains the report object from the Input FRS and communicates with the database to retrieve the current data. Once it has generated the report instance, it stores the instance on the Output FRS.

Program Job Server

If you configure a Job Server to process program objects, it becomes a Program Job Server.

Program objects allow you to write, publish, and schedule custom applications, including scripts, Java programs or .NET programs that run against, and perform maintenance work on, BusinessObjects Enterprise.

The Program Job Server processes scheduled program objects, as requested by the CMS. To run a program, the Program Job Server first retrieves the files from storage on the Input File Repository Server, and then runs the program. By definition, program objects are custom applications. Therefore the outcome of running a program will be dependent upon the particular program object that is run.

Unlike report instances, which can be viewed in their completed format, program instances exist as records in the object history. BusinessObjects Enterprise stores the program's standard out and standard error in a text output file. This file appears when you click a program instance in the object History.

Web Intelligence Job Server

The Web Intelligence Job Server processes scheduling requests it receives from the CMS for Web Intelligence documents. It forwards these requests to the Web Intelligence Report Server, which will generate the instance of the Web Intelligence document. The Web Intelligence Job Server does not actually generate object instances.

Destination Job Server

If you configure a Job Server to send objects or instances, it become a Destination Job Server.

A Destination Job Server processes requests that it receives from the CMS and sends the requested objects or instances to the specified destination:

The Destination Job Server can send objects and instances to destinations inside the BusinessObjects Enterprise system, for example, a user's inbox, or outside the system, for example, by sending a file to an email address.

The Destination Job Server does not run the actual report or program objects. It only handles objects and instances that already exist in the Input or Output File Repository Servers. For more information, see "Sending an object or instance" on page 445.

List of Values Job Server

The List of Values Job Server processes scheduled list-of-value objects. These are objects that contain the values of specific fields in a Business View. Lists of values are use to implement dynamic prompts and cascading lists of values within Crystal Reports. List-of-value objects do not appear in CMC or InfoView. For more information, see the Business Views Administrator's Guide.

The List of Values Job Server behaves similarly to the Report Job Server in that it retrieves the scheduled objects from the Input File Repository Server (FRS) and saves the instance it generates to the Output FRS. There is never more than one instance of a list-of-values object. On demand list of value objects are processed by the Report Application Server.

Desktop Intelligence Job Server

The Desktop Intelligence Job Server processes scheduling requests it receives from the CMS for Desktop Intelligence documents and generates the instance of the Desktop Intelligence document.

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