You can add dates to a calendar using a number of different formats. You can choose specific dates using a yearly, quarterly, or monthly view of the calendar, or you can choose recurring dates using general formats based on the day of the month or week. See Recurring dates.
Yearly displays the calendar's run dates for the year. To change the year displayed, you can click the Previous Year and Next Year buttons. To add a date from the Yearly format, click a month to open it in Monthly format, where you can add run dates to specific days.
Quarterly displays the calendar's run dates for the current calendar quarter. You can change the displayed quarter using the Previous Quarter and Next Quarter buttons. To add a date from the Quarterly format, click a month to open it in Monthly format, where you can add run dates to specific days.
Monthly displays the calendar's run dates for the current month. You can change the displayed month using the Previous Month and Next Month buttons.
Generic Monthly, by Day of Week allows you to add general recurring dates based on the day of the week. The dates are applied to the months specified between the Start and End Dates. Week 1 starts on the Sunday of the week of the Start Date you specify. Note that this format does not display the currently selected dates from the calendar; it only allows you to add new dates and update the schedule.
Generic Monthly, by Day of Month allows you to add general recurring dates based on the day of the month. The dates are applied to the months specified between the Start and End Dates. This format allows you to add new dates and update the schedule; it does not display currently selected dates from the calendar.
See also Specific dates and Recurring dates.
To remove a run day, click the day again.
Tip: For the Monthly and Generic Monthly, by Day of Week formats, you can select multiple dates at once by clicking the row or column headings.
If you added dates using a generic format, the Yearly format will automatically appear, displaying the new dates.
Note: When you change an existing calendar, BusinessObjects Enterprise checks all currently scheduled instances in your system. Objects that use the edited calendar are automatically updated to run on the revised date schedule.
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