BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide

Scalability overview

The BusinessObjects Enterprise architecture is scalable in that it allows for a multitude of server configurations, ranging from stand-alone, single-machine environments, to large-scale deployments supporting global organizations. The flexibility offered by the product's architecture allows you to set up a system that suits your current reporting requirements, without limiting the possibilities for future growth and expansion.

This section details common scalability scenarios for administrators who want to expand beyond a stand-alone installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise. These three scenarios have received the most testing, and are recommended for the majority of deployments. For details, see Common configurations.

It must be emphasized, however, that the optimal configuration for your deployment will vary depending upon your hardware configuration, your database software, and your reporting requirements. It is recommended that you contact your Business Objects sales representative and request information about the BusinessObjects Enterprise Sizing Guide. A Business Objects Services consultant can then assess your reporting environment and assist in determining the configuration that will best integrate with your current environment.

Note:    If you customize or expand your system beyond these common configurations without first contacting Business Objects Services, your deployment may not be officially supported.

This section also provides the related procedures for adding and deleting servers from your BusinessObjects Enterprise installation. Follow these steps when you need to add server components to a machine that is already running BusinessObjects Enterprise.

Tip:    If you are adding new hardware to BusinessObjects Enterprise by installing server components on additional machines, run the BusinessObjects Enterprise installation and setup program. The setup program allows you to perform an Expand installation. During the Expand installation, you specify the existing CMS whose system you want to expand, and you select the components that want to install on the local machine. For details, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Installation Guide.

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