BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide

Configuring the Web Intelligence Report Server

Use the following procedure to configure the performance settings for the Web Intelligence Report Server.

To modify performance settings for the Web Intelligence report server
  1. Go to the Servers management area of the CMC.
  2. Click the link to the Web Intelligence Report Server whose settings you want to change.
  3. Make your changes on the Properties tab.
  4. Click either Apply or Update:
  5. Return to the Servers management area of the CMC and restart the Job Server.

Maximum Simultaneous Connections

The maximum number of simultaneous connections that the server allows at one time, from sources such the Web Intelligence SDK or the Web Intelligence Job Server. If this limit is reached, the user will receive an error message, unless another server is available to handle the request.

Connection Time Out

The number of minutes before an idle connection to the Web Intelligence Report Server will be closed.

List of Values Batch Size

The maximum number of values that can be returned per list of values batch. For example, if the number of values in a list of values exceeds this size, then the list of values will be returned to the user in several batches of this size or less.

The minimum value that you can enter is 10. Although there is no limit on the maximum value, Business Objects recommends that you limit it to 30000.

Universe Cache Size

The number of universes to be cached on the Web Intelligence Report Server.

List of Values Caching

Enables or disables caching per user session of list of values in Web Intelligence Report Server. The default is for the feature to be on.

Enable Viewing Caching

When this parameter is on, real-time caching is possible for Web Intelligence documents when they are viewed, or when they are generated as a result of having been run as a scheduled job.

When this parameter is off both real-time caching of Web Intelligence documents and viewing of cached Web Intelligence documents is impossible.

Real-time caching is done only if both this parameter and the Enable Real Time Caching parameters are on.

Enable Real Time Caching

When this parameter is on, the Web Intelligence Report Server caches Web Intelligence documents when the documents are viewed. The server also caches the documents when they are run as a scheduled job, provided the pre-cache was enabled in the document.

When the parameter is off, the Web Intelligence Report Server does not cache the Web Intelligence documents when the documents are viewed. Nor does it cache the documents when they are run as a scheduled job.

This parameter is taken into account only when the Enable Viewing Caching is set to on.

Note:    To improve system performance, set the Maximum Number Of Downloaded Documents To Cache to zero when this option is selected, but enter a value for Maximum Number Of Downloaded Documents To Cache when this option deselected.

Document Cache Duration

The amount of time (in minutes) that content is stored in cache.

Document Cache Size

The size (in kilobytes) of the document cache.

Amount of Cache To Keep When Document Cache is Full

If the storage size is bigger than the allocated storage size, the system will delete documents with the oldest "last accessed time." Then if the cache size is still exceeds the maximum storage size, the Web Intelligence Report Server will clean up the cache until the amount of cache percentage is reached.

Document Cache Scan Interval

The number of minutes that the system waits before checking the document cache for cleanup.

Maximum Number of Downloaded Documents To Cache

The number of Web Intelligence documents that can be stored in cache.

Note:    To improve system performance, set this value to zero when Enable Real Time Caching is selected, but enter a value when Enable Real Time Caching is deselected.

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