BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide

Email (SMTP) support

With Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail support, you can choose to send the instances of an object, for example, a report instance, to one or more email destinations. After it has run the object, the system will send a copy of the output instance as an attachment to the email addresses you specified.

When you select the Email (SMTP) destination, the system will save the instance to the Output File Repository Server as well as email it to the specified destinations. BusinessObjects Enterprise supports Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoding.


To send an object by email
  1. In the Objects management area of the CMC, select an object by clicking its link.
  2. Click the Schedule tab, then click the Destination link.
  3. The Destination page appears.

  4. Select Email (SMTP) from the Destination list.

  6. If you want, select the Clean up instance after scheduling option.
  7. When that option is selected, the system automatically deletes the report or program instance from the Output File Repository Server to keep the number of instances on the server to a minimum.

  8. Select either Use the Job Server's defaults or Set the values to be used at schedule time here.
  9. If you select the first option, BusinessObjects Enterprise will schedule an object using the Job Server's default settings. You can change these settings in the Servers management area. For more information, see "Configuring the destinations for job servers" on page 124.

    If you select the second option, you can specify the email settings and the file name properties:

  10. Click Update.

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