BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide

Page Server

The Page Server is primarily responsible for responding to page requests by processing reports and generating Encapsulated Page Format (EPF) pages. The EPF pages contain formatting information that defines the layout of the report. The Page Server retrieves data for the report from an instance or directly from the database (depending on the user's request and the rights he or she has to the report object). When retrieving data from the database, the Page Server automatically disconnects from the database after it fulfills its initial request and reconnects if necessary to retrieve additional data. (This behavior conserves database licenses.)

The Cache Server and Page Server work closely together. Specifically, the Page Server responds to page requests made by the Cache Server. The Page Server and Cache Server also interact to ensure cached EPF pages are reused as frequently as possible, and new pages are generated as soon as they are required. BusinessObjects Enterprise takes advantage of this behavior by ensuring that the majority of report-viewing requests are made to the Cache Server and Page Server. (However, if a user's default viewer is the Advanced DHTML viewer, the report is processed by the Report Application Server.)

The Page Server also supports COM, ASP.NET, and Java viewer Software Development Kits (SDKs).

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