BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide

Configuring the cache expiry

When the system is using AD and Kerberos single sign-on, it uses the cache expiry for certain BusinessObjects Enterprise servers to determine whether a logon ticket is still valid. This applies to the CMS, Page Server, Report Application Server, and Web Intelligence Report Server.

The CMS uses the cache expiry as follows:

The other servers use either their cache expiry or the ticket expiry, whichever has the lowest value. Regardless of whether the cache expiry for the server is greater or less than that of the ticket, the ticket will expire when the lowest expiry value is reached.

The system comes configured with default values for the server cache expiry. Use the following procedure to change these settings when needed.

Note:    If you are running multiple instances of a server, you can control the cache expiry for each instance individually.

To configure the servers in CMC
  1. Go to the Servers management area of the CMC.
  2. Click the link for the server.
  3. Click the Single Sign-On tab.
  4. Type in a new cache expiry value.
  5. Click Update.

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